
Don't give up


With everything going on, giving up is more tempting than ever before. For you too? All our senses often shout at us that everything is far too uncertain, that the only thing to do is to just hide in our bed. When we don't know what tomorrow will bring, it's sometimes hard to find the strength to move forward.

Even harder is to ask for help from our loved ones, who are sometimes in the same situation as us... BUT: 🙏 The first thing to do is to forgive ourselves. If there's ever a time when you can allow yourself not to be at your best, it's right now.

👁️La The second is to step back, to breathe and look within ourselves in order to be able to identify our difficulties, accept them and express them to those close to us. It's not easy to ask for help, it takes a lot of strength sometimes, but you have to draw on yourself to find the strength.

💪La also means supporting those close to you, giving them an attentive ear, a shoulder to lean on. Let's offer each other the mutual support that many of us need, to keep the motivation we need in our professional life, however uncertain it may be.

Strength also to nourish our hope (a little hungry at the moment), that better days await us, 🌻 happiness will come knocking at our door, and we all want to be ready to build it and dive into it with our whole being. 🏊 So don't give up!

Kai Teo