Workshops for Individuals

Workshops for individuals



Organized on demand, this workshop is open to everyone and takes place when the minimum number of participants required is reached.


In a relaxed and uninhibited atmosphere, this training revolves around rebuilding our feeling of legitimacy and self-confidence by tackling these obstacles together, as a team.


On an individual level, our strength to be the best version of ourselves relies on our feeling of legitimacy. Depending on our history, it is often weakened by our daily interactions. Common things such as poorly chosen words, unwanted reactions, and postures can make us feel unnecessarily inadequate.

To understand these obstacles and how to face them, our Empowerment training helps deconstructing paralyzing injunctions, popularizes cognitive and behavioral scientific concepts, and offers tools to learn how to communicate better and regain self-confidence. We all have an inner voice that holds our truth and resources within, to empower us to finally take action. Our workshop aims at finding and nourishing our inner strength, collectively.